

The goal is to design and manufacture a durable injection molded gridfinity storage box. It will be designed with the community, for the community.

Tell me More!

I have a lot of ideas but there is very little decided because I want to get the community involved. So outside of the requirements below everything is still on the table. For the moment I'm just wanting to see how much interest there is. So let me know!Key Requirements:
1. The design should be open.
2. The design should be larger than what can be printed on a typical print.
ie >7x7 gridfinity squares
3. Financially sustainable.
It could be a group buy, kickstarter, crowd sourced, etc. I'm not sure.
Who am I?
I'm a Product Design Engineer from Australia with over 10 years experience designing and tooling injection molded parts across industrial systems, homewares, medical devices and consumer electronics. I'm familiar with bringing products to market including my ongoing adventure with The Print Codex.